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General Conditions - bloemschikmateriaal.be

Identity of the company:
Practix bv, trading under the name bloemschikmateriaal.be
Fruitesse 3
B-8720 Dentergem
Tel: +32 (0)472/91.55.91
E-mail: info@bloemschikmateriaal.be
BTW: BE 0477.987.690


1.1   The agreement will be formed at the moment the consumer accepts the offer of bloemschikmateriaal.be electronically.
1.2   If the consumer has accepted the offer electronically, bloemschikmateriaal.be will immediately send an electronic confirmation of receipt of the acceptance of the offer. For as long as this acceptance has not been confirmed the consumer will be able to dissolve the agreement
1.3   bloemschikmateriaal.be will implement suitable technical and organisational measures to secure the electronic transfer of data and bloemschikmateriaal.be will arrange for a secure web environment. If the consumer pays electronically, bloemschikmateriaal.be will observe the suitable security measures.
1.4   bloemschikmateriaal.be is free to refuse an order or application or make the execution of the order subject to special conditions. This will be completely at bloemschikmateriaal.be's discretion and does not need to be substantiated. If bloemschikmateriaal.be refuses an order or application, bloemschikmateriaal.be will immediately inform the consumer.

2.     THE OFFER
2.1   If an offer has a limited term or is made subject to conditions, this will be stated explicitly in the offer.
2.2    If bloemschikmateriaal.be makes use of images these will be a faithful representation of the products offered. Obvious mistakes or errors in the offer will not be binding upon bloemschikmateriaal.be
2.3   The website will contain such information that it is clear to the consumer what rights and obligations are attached to the acceptance. This concerns, in particular:
- The price including taxes;
- Any delivery costs;
- The manner in which the agreement is formed and what acts this will require;
- The manner for payment, delivery or performance of the agreement;
- The term for acceptance of the offer, or the term for settling the price;


The prices at the time of the order of an article will apply. All prices are expressed in Euros, in accordance with the relevant statutory rules, and include turnover tax. The prices mentioned in the web shop are exclusive of dispatch costs.


Orders via the web store can be paid in the following ways:
- Bancontact/ Mister Cash
- PayPal
-Carte Bleue
- Prepayment

5.         DELIVERY

5.1 Bloemschikmateriaal.be, or a third party, will dispatch the accepted orders as quickly as possible in the order they were received. If a product is in stock, the delivery time will customarily from the date on which the product was ordered.

When your parcel is delivered? D = day of shipment
Belgium D + 1 working day
Netherlands D + 1 working day
France D + 2 working days
Germany D + 2 working days
U.K. no longer EU
Luxemburg D + 2 working days
Rest of Europe D + 3-4 working days

5.2 If delivery cannot be made, or cannot be made on time, because for example the ordered articles are not in stock, the consumer will be informed as soon as possible.
5.3   Bloemschikmateriaal.be will not be liable for any damage whatsoever as a result of the exceeding the announced delivery terms.
5.4 If you provide an incorrect address with your order and your order is returned to us, you will be charged for the costs of resending your order.


6.1 The consumer will be obliged to inspect (or have inspected) the products carefully immediately after receipt.
6.2   It will be allowed to return articles bought in the web shop, without stating reasons. This has to be done within fourteen days after delivery of the relevant product, under the condition that the products have not been used or damaged. The consumer can return the article and his/her money will be refunded. This only applies to private individuals, business orders are excluded.
6.3   If the consumer has exercised his or her right of withdrawal, as referred to in the previous paragraph, ( returning the goods at your own expense ) bloemschikmateriaal.be will arrange for repayment of the amount paid by the consumer within 14 days.


7.1 The articles will remain bloemschikmateriaal.be's property until the consumer has settled the entire invoice amount.
7.2 The consumer will not be allowed to burden, sell, resell, alienate or encumber the products in any other way until ownership thereof has been transferred.


8.1  bloemschikmateriaal.be guarantees that the products are in accordance with the agreement, the specifications stated in the agreement, the reasonable requirements of soundness and/or usability and the current statutory provisions and/or government regulations at the date the agreement is formed.
8.2 bloemschikmateriaal.be will at no time be obliged to pay any direct or indirect compensation to the consumer or third parties, unless in the event of intent or gross negligence on the part of bloemschikmateriaal.be. For shipments of fragile items bloemschikmateriaal.be does everything to pack as well as possible so that it arrives undamaged at the customer. We can not guarantee any breakage, this means that sending fragile items are at the risk of the customer. The customer accepts this risk if he orders fragile materials.
8.3 If bloemschikmateriaal.be, for whatever reason, is obliged to compensate any damage the amount of compensation will never be higher that an amount equal to the invoice value with respect to the product that caused the damage.
8.4 Despite the constant care and attention bloemschikmateriaal.be devotes to the composition of the web site, it is possible that information published on the web site is incomplete and/or inaccurate.
8.5 The information on the web site is regularly supplemented and/or adjusted. bloemschikmateriaal.be reserves the right to implement any changes with immediate effect and without notification.
8.6 The consumer will be obliged to indemnify bloemschikmateriaal.be against any claims with respect to the implementation of the agreement brought against bloemschikmateriaal.be by third parties, to the extent the law does not oppose the relevant damage and costs being for the account of the consumer.
8.7 It is possible that bloemschikmateriaal.be incorporates links on its Internet site to other Internet sites that may be of interest or informative for visitors. Such links are exclusively informative in nature. bloemschikmateriaal.be is not responsible for the content of the Internet site the links refer to or the use that can be made of them.


9.1 In the event of force majeure, bloemschikmateriaal.be will not be obliged to comply with its obligations to the consumer, or the obligation will be suspended for the duration of the force majeure.
9.2 Force majeure is considered to be any circumstance independent of its intent, which obstructs the performance of its obligations towards the consumer in whole or in part. Those circumstances include strikes, fire, operational failures, energy failures, no or late delivery by suppliers or other third-parties engaged and the lack of any permit to be obtained from the government. Force majeure will also be taken to mean failures in a (telecommunications) network or connection or communication systems used and/or unavailability of the web site at any time.

10.        PRIVACY

10.1 By placing an order, the consumer, at that time, grants bloemschikmateriaal.be permission to use the consumer's personal data if necessary. bloemschikmateriaal.be will exclusively use the consumer's data to the extent necessary for the performance of the services. The personal data provided by the consumer will not be provided to third parties for commercial purposes without the consumer's consent.
10.2 The consumer's data will only be retained to the extent this is necessary for the realisation of the objectives for which the personal data are acquired and processed by bloemschikmateriaal.be In addition to the performance of the agreement, this will include the realisation of marketing purposes and the maintenance of the client relationship with the consumer.
10.3 bloemschikmateriaal.be will only process the consumer's personal data in accordance with its privacy policy. The Internet site contains a Privacy Statement.


 All bloemschikmateriaal.be offers and agreements will be exclusively governed by Belgium law.

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Fruitesse 3-01
B-8720 Dentergem